
Prof. Tim Noakes on Optimism, The Power of Twitter, Hydration on Low-carb Diets and More.

“Your body will argue that there is no justifiable reason to continue. Your only recourse is to call on your spirit, which fortunately functions independently of logic.”
— Timothy Noakes, Lore of Running

TED NAIMEN on the Health Formula | Meat-based Monday's (Episode #125)

Naval Ravikant and Tim Ferriss on Meditation and the relationship you have with YOURSELF

The most important relationship you have is with yourself
— Naval Ravikant
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#111 - The Biohackers Paradox: from Ben Greenfield to Dave Asprey to Shawn Baker

“So many people hyper-focus on their diet to avoid focusing on their trauma. Whatever is eating you is fat more important than what you eat!”

— @thesashinpatel
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#110 - Adam Metcalfe (Headroom) on Positivity, Psychedelic Trance and The Creative Journey

“Writing great tracks isn’t enough anymore. You have to reinforce it with constant brand building content creation, released on as many platforms as possible. You have to think ‘brand’ now, not just musician or DJ”
— Adam Metcalfe, Psymedia Interview
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