
#97 - How to Live the Warriors Life (Steven Pressfield and Nassim Taleb)

Episode #97

It is one thing to study war and another to live the warrior’s life.
— Telamon of Arcadia, mercenary of the fifth century B.C.
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#93 - Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste (Ryan Holiday)

Episode #93

Ignore the politics and focus on the brilliant strategic advice that Obama’s adviser Rahm Emanuel, once gave him. “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. Things that we had postponed for too long, that were long-term, are now immediate and must be dealt with. [A] crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before.”
— Ryan Holiday, The Obstacle is the Way
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#90 - Quitting Social Media (Cal Newport)

Episode #90

Part of what fueled social media’s rapid assent, I contend, is its ability to short-circuit this connection between the hard work of producing real value and the positive reward of having people pay attention to you. It has instead replaced this timeless capitalist exchange with a shallow collectivist alternative: I’ll pay attention to what you say if you pay attention to what I say—regardless of its value.
— (from "Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World" by Cal Newport)
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#89 - Tara Brach and Rilke on The Nature of Comparison and Acceptance

Episode #89

Finally one day came a shifting-into-place, an awakening: not “right” compared to what? Oh, my word, I’d been trying to make canned Pillsbury biscuits! Then came an exquisite moment of actually tasting my biscuits without comparing them to some (previously hidden) standard. They were wheaty, flaky, buttery, “sunny, earthy, real” (as Rilke’s sonnet proclaims). They were incomparably alive, present, vibrant—in fact much more satisfying than any memory. These occasions can be so stunning, so liberating, these moments when you realize your life is just fine as it is, thank you. Only the insidious comparison to a beautifully prepared, beautifully packaged product made it seem insufficient. Trying to produce a biscuit—a life—with no dirty bowls, no messy feelings, no depression, no anger was so frustrating. Then savoring, actually tasting the present moment of experience—how much more complex and multifaceted. How unfathomable
— Tara Brach, Radical Acceptance
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#87 - Peter Thiel (legendary startup investor) on Higher Education

Episode #87

Higher education is the place where people who had big plans in high school get stuck in fierce rivalries with equally smart peers over conventional careers like management consulting and investment banking
— Peter Thiel
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