SUNSCREEN IS A SCAM, Birth Control, The Perils of Audience Capture & More [Meat-Based/Keto Podcast]


8:08:40 Hi. Hey, Nicole. How's it going, I see the, the pregnant belly is showing itself, fully semi. 18:08:52 Yeah, it's also really hot in my studios garage. 18:08:56 Yeah, yeah we nobody has to worry about what's what happens in front of the screen well that matters is what's what's happening in what you see. So, but how you feeling otherwise I mean it's been quite a while since we've chatted actually But how's things 18:09:09 going on Assad. How many weeks pregnant again if we just have a bit of an update. 18:09:15 Yes, I'm about when this comes out I'll be 23 weeks pregnant. 18:09:21 And right now I'm about 22 Weeks Pregnant honestly like nothing has changed. 18:09:27 I weightless four to five times a week. I am. 18:09:45 Well, I guess I play a round of golf, once a week, where we walk and surfing playing and a lot of golf Hey have you know I know for me it's nice because like you're walking in between holes so even if you play nine holes, that's like 8000 steps at least 18:09:49 yeah like I haven't actually tracked it, I was like oh my where my Apple Watch for the first time in a really long time and I just totally forgot it's dead and I don't use it anymore. 18:09:59 But it's just so nice because like we have a tee time usually like 7am. 18:10:04 That's like first thing in the morning sun just came up at like 630. No one's out there it's kind of like the world is quiet, and you're just walking with your bag and, you know, we have to like push carts for a bag but the point is is that you're getting 18:10:19 like the morning sun you're outside with nature, you're not on your phone. 18:10:23 You're just cruising and you're just hitting balls as best you can and when you mess up you're hoping that you don't break it. 18:10:30 Any clubs, so yeah so that's like the best part and then we also play pickup ball once a week so I would say like I'm pretty active. 18:10:39 Well maybe I'm very active like nothing has really guess, nothing has really like slow down and it's so weird because Josh like for you and I are like anyone who's ever dealt with weight issues or just kind of like has been so concerned about weight, 18:10:57 like, I am the heaviest I've ever been in my life right now. 18:11:01 And it's kind of like, it's not like scary, but it's just like, it's more interesting from an anatomy standpoint of like you know I'm doing all my knees over toes exercises and all the PT and stuff to stay strong. 18:11:15 But how your body handles that excess weight like your joints and everything. 18:11:23 It's just very interesting. 18:11:26 Like a few so just from your standpoint is it, is it like a is like, Is there a, because I'm trying to construct this from like if I was like pregnant, it's like, yeah, they're like this fear that the way it wouldn't wouldn't go off, even though we know 18:11:40 it's going to go off, but like is there this post pregnancy fear is that what it is or was it something different, honestly. No, I'm not worried about losing weight, like I know I'll lose it. 18:11:52 And the thing is that with breastfeeding like it takes everything out of you. So a lot of times like the weight gain that you have will really be helpful for when you're breastfeeding because that's like, there's like an obscene amount of calories that 18:12:08 are being burned when you're breastfeeding, like it literally like takes it just out of you. So that's what like my midwife was talking about and she's like, that's why I like weight gain is good, especially for people that are underweight because when 18:12:19 actually breastfeeding, like after the baby's born is when it really comes into play. So like although, you know, being pregnant like maybe you're like oh what's the point of this you know or like what's going on it's really like that layer of fat and 18:12:32 like what you're gaining now you're going to lose during breastfeeding but again like if you're not active going into pregnancy, you're probably not going to lose the weight, like you're, you're going to have a harder time like trying to actually lose 18:12:48 weight. If you don't already have habits. Do you know what I mean, like, try your very best to keep the same habits that you've that you would want to keep as much as you can obviously you can't do certain things but yeah basically living you basically 18:13:03 living a normal life just with another human growing inside of you and there's a few things you can't do but for the most part you trying your best to keep things normal you know exactly so then like when after I have a baby and everything like there's 18:13:15 obviously going to be a time postpartum where you know you can't work out right. You're very much just like resting and your body's recuperating from doing something so wild and bringing a child like birthing someone, and that's fine like I think it's 18:13:30 just like my whole thing is like if you if there's things that you can control, right, like, obviously, I can't, I'm not going to worry about waking right like that's just something that's going to happen. 18:13:42 My body is naturally going to hold on to things. And it's going to be good for when I'm breastfeeding right so like waking is normal, natural whatever not worry about that. 18:13:51 I think it's more so being worried about how your body is going to be different after. Do you know what I mean, I'm not talking about like down there but I mean just like, I'm going to have a little bit wider hips, you know like, I'm just it's more just 18:14:05 curious looking at like, oh, like I wonder how my body is going to feel, or like look or be like, it's just, it's something that you just don't know when you do it for the first time so I think that's it because I know like all these like I'm not worried 18:14:18 about like the weight loss, after it's structurally, your body will, it will be a little bit different basically is what she's saying like, just that's just what happens during pregnancy. 18:14:31 Yeah, yeah, no, I think so cuz like your hips have to, like, I feel like I've always had kind of more like narrow. 18:14:41 So I'm like, oh, there's going to be like a thing that comes out of there and like it's going to like push my which also is like not a bad thing, but it's just I don't know I think that's like the weird thing because you just don't know. 18:14:54 But if you go into pregnancy with healthy habits you stay active like I think that's probably the most important thing and you're eating healthy, like right now I have to eat. 18:15:12 Like every day a minimum of 80 grams of protein a day. 18:15:09 That's like the minimum, and that's what my midwife requires 18:15:14 like for just developing a healthy baby and everything they need. Yeah. So, that sounds like it's like point five grams per put been massive body weight to a mic. 18:15:24 It's somewhere on there, if it's at your between point five and Graham basically one gram of have been protein per. 18:15:35 You lost me at Mass. Ok. 18:15:41 Ok, I think, regardless of who you are, like, regardless of your weight regardless of anything they want you to try to hit 80 grams of protein per day. 18:15:50 So unlike my habit tracker. You know I have a habit tracker now that I just started that I love. So it's like 30 minutes of Sun 30 minutes of movement you know like flossing because I never do that again. 18:16:02 What is this like an app or How are you doing, yeah, so Kelly Hogan uses this and I was like, oh wow like I love, I love crossing things off, cuz I'm like crazy of time man, you definitely fatigue that if I can see that. 18:16:17 Oh yeah and so like, it basically just like you put little things on here. Like, for example like this is a weird one but my midwife now want me to track my food. 18:16:27 So I can see how much actual protein I was getting because when I was like kind of being a diverse two eggs and like eating a whole steak. I feel like I was getting less than I should have. 18:16:40 So like, yeah, just looks like this. 18:16:44 It's called habit tracker and you put your things and then you like mark it off. 18:16:48 And so as soon as you've done that in the day yeah at thing you marking it off like that's pretty cool. Yeah and you can put like weekly sayings or whatever, or like on certain days you can put stuff but like 30 minutes of reading or whatever but I just 18:17:02 like like so far floss my teeth more than I have in like a year. So, I think it's working well but yeah that's weird though it's weird to track my food. 18:17:15 But I have to like be accountable for like, making sure this life is like functioning and like getting everything it needs to, you know, continue developing and be healthy. 18:17:27 I'm sure I'm sure it is it's getting it's getting some good stuff, better than any other American that I know that's what should I try but it's it's also just like when you like when I sit down and I'm like, oh geez like I it's literally like every single 18:17:44 meal you should have protein obviously with it. 18:17:47 And like I totally thought like for example, sausage had like so much more protein in it. And I was like, holy crap I was like, it's like all fat. So like now yeah so like I just feel like a lot of the foods like I'm eating or more fat heavy so I have 18:18:02 to eat more of them, and then like, like the raw. 18:18:06 I like doing the raw milk shots with the egg you know ask about that so so yeah true substitute now for for eggs basically in the morning. Yeah, it's just like, I don't really crave anything right now, like I crave like nothing. 18:18:26 And so I'm like okay like a milk shot with like an egg, like, cool I'm like getting my fight. I'm getting like my nutrients, but like I don't you don't taste anything you know. 18:18:30 Yeah. Oh, it's a weird time it's weird time. It is a weird time I. On that note, I've been some on this strange, just the strange craving for catcher swatted tomato sauce. 18:18:44 Oh my god, explain this. 18:18:49 I could be honestly I could have you could say I've always had, like, for a long time I've had like a sort of a thing of a thing, Josh speak English, a bottle of catch up in my fridge. 18:19:06 That I very occasionally use when I'm cooking chicken, because it's so boring and dry. But it's, it's very hard protein like if you want to if you want protein like chickens, I mean you can't beat it but you have to have to have something with it so usually 18:19:19 I'm having it's, Like, I sometimes making the fry these coconuts dusted chicken tenders. Or like, oh, like coconut flour. Yeah, yeah. 18:19:37 pork. Pork rinds yeah pork rinds in the f8 it's really cool snack but then I have to have the tomato sauce. 18:19:41 Yeah, so, but lately, I've just been kind of like addicted to these models and I'm not afraid to admit it like I've kind of been having it like every third every third day, and I'm sitting there, even with my maxima beef and I'll be like, No, I really 18:19:58 feel as force was now that it's gotten to a point where I'm not sure this is like this is a little bit. Okay, a by the by the. 18:20:08 The Heinz, one with less, it's got like 50% less sugar, I was gonna ask you about it. 18:20:12 But, but, tomatoes, I mean tomatoes in general if you speak to any carnivore, it's like tomatoes are no guy like tomatoes are not shades and a ton of like alkaloids and I do not as I think it's called a yo I, I don't know. 18:20:31 Anyway, but things that bind chemicals that bind to certain minerals in your body and causes inflammation especially authorizes like my mom, which is tomatoes her hands, inflamed like immediately. 18:20:44 But my theory is because it's a modern sources in like vinegar, and it's been prepared and it's got a bit of sugar it's not as bad for you. 18:20:53 But yeah, I don't know I'm just I'm just putting that out there, it's just something that I've been really addicted to lately. 18:21:01 And I feel fine. But, yeah, it's it's weird. Here's the thing, though, Josh, like such a long way and I do people asked me that are doing carnivores starting carnivore and they're like well what do you do about sauces. 18:21:16 And I'm kind of like Well, here's the thing, like if you can find a sauce that doesn't have vegetable oil in it. 18:21:23 And you want to use that occasionally. Cool. Yeah, you know, my whole thing is that like if you're still getting the vegetable oils, I feel like you're not going to benefit as much from carnivore because part of it is like getting rid of those things 18:21:36 I will say one thing that I do, like when I'm pregnant. 18:21:40 And this has to do with tomatoes, as well, is they have a keto pizza. 18:21:45 Okay. and so there's this one place down the street for me, that does this amazing meat lovers pizza. 18:21:53 And they actually can do it on like cauliflower crust, but like keto style like it tastes like the actual crust tastes like cardboard, like it does not taste good. 18:22:02 Yeah, like part of me is like, oh, like I'm eating like a meat pizza, like this is kind of like reminding me I'm like cool like you know like this is amazing. 18:22:14 But I historically have not done well with night shades potatoes french fries. Well, I think, partially because the french fries are always in vegetable oil but like tomatoes just kind of like, make me inflamed. 18:22:26 So, I hate saying this on the times that I eat. 18:22:32 The keto pizza. 18:22:35 Let's just say that you don't want to be sleeping next to me. 18:22:40 Like, it's just, things are things are happening, the cauliflower pizza crust is just causing havoc. Have you have you tried it so have you just thought interesting Have you tried, tomato, tomato sauce. 18:22:55 Do you think there's a difference between like a fresh, fresh tomato and the source itself, or have you do not know, I'm just interested is, I do like pressing like if someone if I go to a restaurant and they're like, Oh, we have a salad so could press 18:23:16 A is like tomato mozzarella Bazell and like a balsamic usually or like an olive oil. I really like that. So like, that's kind of you occasion you have like fresh tomatoes, fresh, organic. 18:23:24 Yeah, yeah, like always organic Am I buy any produce it's organic but, like, I actually just try to avoid it, because like, when I'm super pure and I eat a tomato like I'm super pure carnivore and it to tomato, like a would like set me off. 18:23:39 Like, I would feel it, I'd feel the joint pain I'd be like, okay, like I'm getting a little a little bit more groggy or I'm a little bit more just like off. 18:23:48 But I think the joint pain would be real. After like eating a tomato. Well, that's what I think. Yeah, exactly. It's supposedly causes a involuntary contraction of your muscles and makes you stuff like asked if he would be so like your muscles would feel 18:24:07 sore. And strangely enough, my quads. 18:24:13 I did cross for the first time of the day, like over two weeks. 18:24:25 And my quads are like insanely so I've never felt I haven't felt this pain so it could be the tomato sauce I'm not like contacts or people though cuz you just had like, like an eight day bender but you you lift it up and you could also be not just from 18:24:34 It could also be not just from tomato sauce, but exactly confounding factors so for context for people are into being festival which is this really gnarly like eight day psychedelic Trance Festival in Portugal. 18:24:50 It only happens every two years. 18:25:00 The last one happened in 2018. So that was four years ago, so you can imagine with Cove and things like that, how, how big it was. It was huge, and I love, I love, I love the music and I love the vibe and other people but I must say eight days was a little 18:25:10 bit naughty for me like I'm very thankful I got through it. 18:25:15 I must admit I was extremely nervous actually going into it, just purely because I haven't hadn't hadn't really been so festival in like eight months since then, the only festival that I did we go to as like a two day festival. 18:25:30 And I could quickly rush back home afterwards and get back once my meat eating train yeah you in the, in the desert for eight days. 18:25:40 And it, there's no I mean there was this one place that sold meat. Like, it was so gnarly Nicole. So they they promote this whole like vegan. 18:25:52 So I was gonna drive with the festival and you know obviously dessert is a big synonymous relationship between like consciousness and festivals and V and diets and obviously, a lot of people are vegan, but they had this one restaurant there, it was called 18:26:05 the Argentinian grill or something like that. 18:26:09 It was so gnarly they were literally cooking pork belly chicken. And I was like, when I saw this place. I promise you I got down, I cannot really bad like literally like something in me got done and I was like, thank you. 18:26:25 Thank you for this. The only problem is, it was so busy it's so just shows you how people crave meat even at these festivals, you need it, yeah needed, like when you, when you are they having fun drinking, especially on like psychedelic states it takes 18:26:40 it out of you really drains all your energy because you don't eat because you're just having too much, too much fun and you in the sun. So your body craves protein after you've had like a heavy night. 18:26:52 Yeah, everyone was lining up there so to actually get the, it was kind of like a revelation from us kind of like I was, I was pretty shocked, but I was pretty like okay you know what people still crave this this is something that people wanted. 18:27:05 It's not like this meat place was like abandoned, which I kind of thought it would be I'll actually thought my ignorance was like, No, none of these people are going to go there. 18:27:22 But they did, and it was the busiest place that I saw it every single day. So that was very interesting for me was to see that. And I'm very. 18:27:28 I'm very happy that I got through it without getting six when it when I actually left the festival on the way back. 18:27:37 I started, I was drinking tap water on the last day and I kind of kind of thought saw this is a bad idea. 18:27:43 But, but the water was like sort of otter regionals bit lazy and I was like okay ministering some tap water. 18:27:49 The next day for the for three days when I got back, I was basically over the toilet died the entire time coming out of both ends our fault so so Nicole basically what it felt like food poisoning. 18:28:02 Oh my god, I have to tell you something, and I'm yeah what. 18:28:06 Okay, so we watch a show called Woodstock 99, which basically was about them trying to redo a Woodstock Festival in New York, and America in 1999. 18:28:24 And it was more like alternative, they had like you know Red Hot Chili Peppers the offspring, like that so yeah. Yeah, exactly. 18:28:29 Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And you can watch it on Netflix but one of the things is that they didn't account for. 18:28:37 They just treated the people the festival goers awful. Right. 18:28:41 And like they charged they were charging like $4 for water and this is back in like 99 were like this should have been like 65 cents and then they rocked it up to $12 a bottle. 18:28:50 And it was 100 plus degrees. 18:28:52 So anyways, they had like porta potties and noise outhouses, and someone like broke a pipe. 18:28:59 And they had these people come who would check the tap water quality that the drinking water that people were using for showering and and drinking and everything. 18:29:10 And all the samples that they collected were tainted with human feces in them. 18:29:18 And I was just like, not that this happened to you like this was a 250,000 plus people festival. Yeah, like it was out of control. And it ended up really bad but my point is is that, Like, who knows what tap water like you know we have a saying here where 18:29:38 there's like gray water, which is recycled water that they'll use to on fields. 18:29:45 There's brown water, which is like literally from like the sewage system, so like there's different classes of water. So neither of those are drinking water, but what I'm saying is, I don't know about Portugal I don't know about you I mean I don't know 18:29:58 about any, like, I don't know about the standards or whatever like I'm sure it's fine you probably were just like feeling like sick but there's their stuff in tap water. 18:30:07 Like I encourage people to literally like with the in America we have a tool where you can literally like put in your zip code. 18:30:15 And your city, and it'll show you like the last time they tested the water and what was found in it, like all the contaminants, all of the toxins and everything that's in the water. 18:30:26 So, I'm not, I'm not surprised that you felt like shit. Exactly, and whether it was a coincidence or not or whether it was food poisoning in fact because I because towards the end I must be honest, my meat based diet went completely out the window. 18:30:39 I was living, I was eating pizzas every day, your body was probably rejecting it Josh, if you think about it, Yeah, if you will, but but what strikes me is that it happened on the day off, so I drinking the tap water. 18:30:54 And if you have a look at some of the images I've seen like Google Images of the inside of taps. So doesn't matter what the point is, it doesn't even matter where you are in the world. 18:31:04 The fact of the matter is, tap water has to go through metal piping to get to where it needs to be or any sort of piping. So it could be clean water, but the problem is the actual piping itself develops funky and mold over time, and disease, and and that's 18:31:25 the problem, the water might be fresh but the taps inside and the. Yeah. 18:31:31 Yeah. So, and I knew a few other people that, that also didn't feel too great on the days. But anyway, I'm, I'm happy that I went and experienced it, but I'm equally as happy to be back now and getting back on track with mahalo, it feels like I've been 18:31:49 been away for like two months you know it's one of those situations where you just feel like, Yeah, but like, I mean two things for me is that one. 18:31:59 I, I went for the first time I took notes on screen. It was 38 degrees Celsius, that's like, I would love to maybe I'm going to give you look really screwed. 18:32:10 I think that's about 88 degrees. 18:32:13 90. 18:32:15 degrees Celsius. 18:32:20 To 18:32:19 see what comes up. 18:32:23 I feel like it's more than that. It's like 90 plus sources for not about 104. 18:32:32 Oh my good god four degrees. It was about 140 degrees Fahrenheit, every single day. 18:32:40 And you in the tent. 18:32:54 And the water. Everything just gets so insanely hot every day and I took know sunscreen. The only thing I took was a little stick of pure zinc, which I put on my face. 18:32:54 Yeah. 18:32:55 Yeah. am I on my shoulders. 18:32:58 And I didn't burn, like, I've got. I've got slightly, slightly reddish on one or two occasions. Yeah. And then, everyone was like Josh. Yes, off the sun you want some off the sun. 18:33:10 I'm like, No, I'm trying something. I'm not putting know they're chemicals should on my body, the redness The next day, completely went away my body was fun. 18:33:21 So I got a little bit rate at times obviously your your body's not like invincible. It went away the next day in the past. The past the first thing I would do when I got sunburned like, like, I mean, you would probably as well. 18:33:34 The first thing you do is I'll give me off the sun. Let's put chemicals, chemicals in the burn that just probably made it worse, that just probably irritated your skin, made it 10 times worse so that was super compelling for me to. 18:33:50 And I was and I always thought of is the eating bad that caused it and I was eating bad, and I was drinking alcohol. So, the proof is in the pudding is that cc sunscreen, the more you think about it, is just, it cannot be good for you. 18:34:06 There's no logical reason reason for me to believe that it's that it's helping any way shape or form. It's a pure chemical that you're putting on your skin and the worst part about it is that it's literally UV rays baking the chemicals into your body, 18:34:19 like how on earth can almost like a microwave. 18:34:23 I will say Joshua like so there's been so many recalls, and the newest one lately was for banana boat, which I believe is owned by Johnson and Johnson, I think, and all every like sunscreen brand is owned by like Bayer or Johnson and Johnson or Pfizer 18:34:42 whatever like you name it like all the big pharma companies make the sunscreens right. 18:34:48 So the newest one is that they were testing this just because people were testing it, this had been on the shelves for a very long time. 18:34:58 And they found unsafe apparently unsafe levels of benzene. 18:35:04 Okay, and so benzene eight is also an ingredient that's been used in a lot of sunscreen, which is, like, which is basically benzene right. 18:35:13 But they use it in like safe levels. 18:35:16 But benzene is a known carcinogen. 18:35:20 Which is insane. You are rubbing carcinogens on your body, trying not to get cancer from the one natural thing in the sky like it just it like I'm so against sense, like I don't even like and like as you could see like I'm not like I'm not burn I'm not 18:35:39 like I don't have like my skin falling off, I'm not like wrinkly like none of that shit. So I'm like dude like you're literally rubbing and all that stuff and they keep they keep having recalls all the sunscreen. 18:35:52 It's such bullshit. and you just touched on it is that fandom on that I went with his first thing to me, which is every single family member that are that are have their own every single family member of mine says oh no no it's because there's melanoma 18:36:06 in our family like put on sunscreen like these skin cancer and I've had me. 18:36:30 Like the propaganda is so real, it's not, it's not Oh, hang on. Could it be something else that's causing the skin cancer, or do you think the sun does. 18:36:28 The thing that they do the interesting thing is it's it's like they blame your childhood for. 18:36:32 That's the propaganda they blame your childhood for your experience of son now because as a child. 18:36:38 I spend all day in the sun. Then, and I admit Sunday my parents put sunscreen on because they wanted to look after me. Yeah. But who's to say that it's not the sunscreen, as a child that's caused all of your malignancies potential malignancies in your 18:36:55 skin. 18:36:57 The and now us further damaging that through the sunscreen that's putting on na, so it's it's such a bake it really is such a beta think that you need this, this white fucking chemical to, yeah. 18:37:14 Your body, your body knows what it's doing it will tell you. Hey, Nicole I've kind of had enough sun today yeah like I've had that experience you're let's get off sorry yeah and then you kind of sit there and and sometimes you've had enough sun that it 18:37:34 And the next day, it'll be a nice day. And I'd kind of be like you know what I'm actually feeling fine Mom, I actually feel fine but then you get that compulsion not responding by you get that compulsion to go back into Sunday again and that's kind of 18:37:45 like your body saying, I need some more vitamin D. It's like intuition, like people forget that like your body is so intuitive, right, like you might have this like desire to go do something and you should probably do it. 18:38:00 But it's just, to me it just makes zero sense to put a carcinogenic substance, on your body to prevent you from getting cancer, like it just like it doesn't it's just, to me it's just like this is the most hypocritical thing like I've ever heard of, like 18:38:17 you're trusting again pharmaceutical companies who don't give a shit about you, who are always just worried about making money, who have had recall after recall after recall, especially more recently with sunscreens because of the carcinogens in them. 18:38:31 And it's just like I don't know like I think there are brands out there, not so not. Here's the thing, like you'll think that you found a clean brand, and then it's also owned by Johnson. 18:38:43 Johnson, to me like it's like, it's so they have like five different sunscreen brands so you're think you're getting one better. 18:38:51 But I have found. So, my only thing is that if I know that my face is going to be directly in the sun for hours, right like hours without any shade without any hats or anything which rarely ever happens. 18:39:07 I have a mineral sunscreen, that's super like know talks like no chemicals in it it's all natural ingredients. And I put the tiniest bit on my T zone. 18:39:19 So if you're I think if you're someone that is going to be in the sun for a very long period of time and you don't have a hat. Right, or something to like kind of just, you know, give a little grace to your face. 18:39:37 That I totally understand like the need to wear sunscreen, but there are brands out there where you can check and you can see, or like if it's you doing like that zinc stick or something that doesn't have any harmful ingredients like their stuff you can 18:39:48 can do. But I just think that's the only time like I will wear like a low talks, natural ingredient like mineral sunscreen on my face. Right. 18:39:58 And like that's like, that's literally the only time I say to people, because if you control if you're in the shade if you're wearing a hat like I need to probably be in it for hours, you know, Joe. 18:40:10 Yeah, I was shocked. I was really shocked is the first for the first time in a very long time. My body has like some sort of like color to it which is crazy for me, because we're very different like I can tan and I, and I feel like for you it's like it 18:40:27 you it's like it has to be a very gradual. Yeah, like process when you're like, like, Oh, I have some color. 18:40:34 It's not time it's just I have some color on my skin that's my definition of being somewhat 10. 18:40:42 But another another, like, cool thing about going into the first of all is that it's just the unplugging like I enjoyed unplugging and being of Instagram cruises obviously there's this like you know there's so much, proving and creating online whether 18:41:00 we, you know, whether we like it or not it's just the nature of being online and then the things we try to create and I'm fully on board with that. And it's certainly taken me a couple of days to adjust back and get the motivation that I need to start 18:41:14 creating content again and stuff because I really do enjoy it but it does take it out of you. It's like when you go to these things, you, you, you sort of, when you come back you're like, I really don't feel like being this person online. 18:41:30 But the revelation for me is like you don't have to be that person you can be the person that you are. 18:41:35 And the right people will speed around you know it's it's when you, when you're creating this like I've done in the past when you when I've created, somebody that I think people would enjoy to see, like, why inflate my personality, you know to try and 18:41:52 get a point across. 18:41:56 It doesn't really serve you know so I was really, it was really nice to just be away from, from it all, I suppose, and then come back and see it and just see it from a to see the landscape from a different perspective of them a sense you know from like 18:42:11 an outsider perspective. 18:42:13 Oh, yeah. 18:42:17 We lost you Yo, I want to ask you, because I strongly believe in that like my favorite times are Fridays when we do we're like our river float every Friday because you can't have your phone. 18:42:27 Exactly. I was gonna say, Go, raise your phone, probably. 18:42:44 just like I always post things later, like, I know we've talked about this but I always try to just like take a video or take a picture because I still want like to remember certain things and have like a memory I can look back on. 18:42:53 Sure, but it won't be live to Instagram and maybe like, Oh, hold on, hold on to their Just a second, like I need to post this you know it's like identity, like, what are the gives shit like your social media does not define you. 18:43:06 It's not like the whole thing that you are, it's just one aspect of your life and, you know, who knows how long it's going to be around, you know like, I mean probably a long time but you don't I mean like it's just it's one of those things where like, 18:43:19 I think what's serving you because sometimes I wake up and I'm like, I honestly don't give a crap about, like, the only thing that I care about is that like just informing people on certain things like birth control which I'm really passionate about. 18:43:34 And like just knowing ingredients that are in products, because I think that, like our parents had no idea. They were just like feeding us stuff and like, oh, like this is like a green food dye going in your oatmeal and your oats or, you know, spreading 18:43:49 by phosphate and they're not organic and do you I mean so like for me that's like, why I'm on social media. 18:43:58 I feel like I don't even care about like, who, like, I don't even care about, like, I just want to know things like I want to stay informed and it's a great way to stay informed, I guess, I don't know, I read this interesting article that Tim Ferriss 18:44:13 actually shared and use and use that so I don't know if you. 18:44:26 And he subscribes to Tim Ferriss, I know Tim Ferriss, I don't sorry I don't know him. 18:44:25 Holy shit. But his his his newsletter recently shared this article about this person online you might even know him. He was this vegan. That started this YouTube channel. 18:44:38 And he was very picky was a very picky eater. 18:44:41 He decided one day Fuck it. I'm gonna eat hour an hour and mcdonnell's, so he went to McDonalds and he recorded him eating. 18:44:49 I might be getting the whole story like a bit wrong name by the way, sockets. 18:44:56 Anyway, but this guy, you just, you know, we've got Tom let me just quickly bring it up. Yeah, bring it out. We got. 18:45:04 Yeah, we go. So, the article itself is called the perils of audience capture. 18:45:12 I highly recommend you read this like. 18:45:13 It is very interesting and basically the subtitle is how it influences become brainwashed by the audience. 18:45:19 Not that I'm saying we influences in the sense of some people but it was interesting to read but this guy he's called the Nick Nick Carter, avocado. 18:45:30 As period. 18:45:31 Sorry. It's like, Nick Kauto avocado that's the dude okay so you can see that that's the dude. On the top that's where you started and that's what it looks like now shut the front door. 18:45:42 Yes. 18:45:45 So, still link is. 18:45:49 So essentially it let me just give it a bit of an overview essentially yes he he he was a vegan, very picky picky eater very self conscious person decided one day Hey Phuket name eat McDonald's and record the video, people obviously were like interested 18:45:59 in be like, Wow, that's, that's fucked up man, like, he started getting attention he started getting love. He started doing this more and more so he started just, he started. 18:46:15 Basically, like basically the way he describes is that his audience basically components, eat himself, so he literally ate his former self into this person, that just eats anything and records it and he's got millions of subscribers. 18:46:28 But this is like a metaphor for what happens in the community is that audience capture means that we start to shift our density to that of our audience and we start to do things, because our audience is giving us information of what they actually want 18:46:48 instead of what actually we want to impart onto the world. 18:46:53 And I've been thinking I have a question for you is that kind of like the echo chamber phenomenon. so like you kind of like you attract a certain person. 18:47:03 I want to encourage you to continue that. Yeah, I think, I think the echo chamber is actually more elements where we are interested in because chamber would be these, we've got these ideas, they we literally do want to change people's lives like me and 18:47:18 you. 18:47:32 But we might live in a, in an echo chamber where we might actually block off certain things that sort of disarm the by the biases that we have so we might block things that that could potentially be useless. I mean useful, because we believe they're not me not open to 18:47:36 am we not open to them we won't take these ideas in ways I think this is more related to like, you know, entertainment influences and people that do stupid shit online to get views. 18:47:47 But I still think it relates to something is very important, it's still very important to what we doing because I've always viewed that what I do is an art form and I and I never want to. 18:48:00 I never wanted to come to the latest trends or, I don't know, dance on reels or tech talks. I was just going there. I don't want to shake my steak in front of okay that sounds pretty sexual acts. 18:48:14 I don't want to shake. I don't want to make cringe at Tech talks, because yeah because that's just the thing to do. I mean listen cool people do that Carnival influences do that. 18:48:25 But, you kind of want to be true to the stuff you're doing and the people that are with you will be with you if you get 1000 la 1000 views of million views but those thousand views are changing one person's life at the fundamental level. 18:48:42 That's a good thing you know it's like you You kind of, I guess my big points is like a kind of awesomeness have a mic is what I'm doing making a difference, like, Am I truly making a difference. 18:48:55 And I kind of came to the conclusion that I think I am, because of the responses that I get, but it's a good question to ask myself, you know what I'm saying it's like, Yeah, asking yourself is what you're doing online, making a difference or are you 18:49:19 your platform as a way to get some sort of love that you maybe never got or something like that because I'm admittedly that's what I that's how I started is. It felt really good to get views and likes and. 18:49:23 But yeah, I know it's a very sort of transcendental topic, but it was a revelation for me you know it was kind of interesting to see that. That's important. 18:49:34 I mean, like, that's probably why you don't see me making like dancing reels, Or like, Why do Carnival reels and again. Anyone that's doing that we're not saying that's shit or anything like that we're just saying like cool like that's you, that's what 18:49:47 you want to do. I just don't think it's genuine to like who I, who I am and what I want to do like 18:49:57 there's, I feel like I don't really care as much as I did like what people saying like I'm going to human right now. 18:50:04 I am just, you know, trying to live my life and be active and whatever. So, I will say that like the need to like put on makeup and like take a photo or something is not really like. 18:50:18 It's not on my to do, do you and I mean like it's not really on my to do like I tried actually recording, like a workout and I was just like, I was like I don't really like this like I was like I thought maybe like want to explore and I was like, I don't 18:50:33 like this, like I feel like I'm now disconnected from my workout. I'm now taking a video of myself working out. I'm not using like my music. I like, I feel so disconnected from what like my intention is like I don't like being disconnected from my intentions. 18:50:48 So like if I'm doing something like I want to be all in. I don't want to be like taking a fucking video of myself, and then doing that like I think I did it for like three like workouts I was like three of those things I was doing really quick, and then 18:50:59 I was like, I'm over this like, yeah, I'll use this and one real but like I was like, I just don't want to do that and like I will be like Hey, I'll refer you to nice overtones guys, if you want to see like some stuff or Hey like go do this, but there's 18:51:14 just the disingenuousness is just like saving a word I don't know you know but like I feel it so deeply. 18:51:22 When like I'm like because I enjoy what I do, do I mean like if I'm doing that workout I enjoy it so much. 18:51:29 So if I do like end up recording myself, it like doesn't feel genuine it doesn't feel like I'm getting out of it what I set to get from it, you know, but the things that like make me like continue to give a fuck online or social media is like a little 18:51:48 message that I will get that's like hey like I just want to let you know like ended up going off birth control and I am absolutely, just like so excited about this like I've never felt better like thank you for, you know, putting that information out 18:52:01 there, you know, like little things like that. And maybe that's, to me that's a big thing, you know, like those are things, those are the things that make me be like okay like it's worth it like I don't like being that person and like we're not trying 18:52:17 to like fear monger people which a lot of people try to say and I'm like dude No I'm just trying to give you the ingredients. 18:52:23 And like the education and what's put in your body so that kind of brings me to another thing that's pretty hot is, I believe in informed consent, right, like, I believe that the people that were putting on birth control are the people that are giving 18:52:35 you a vaccine or whatever, they should tell you exactly the ingredients of what you're going to put in your body, and let you decide, maybe not right there. 18:52:45 Maybe you decide you think it over four weeks. If this is worth. 18:52:50 What I want to do, right, like, maybe you don't have to make a decision then, but I just wish that there is that thing and now I'm getting into a place where there's a vaccine schedule for babies, right, like when they're born starting with when they're 18:53:14 I more want people to know and so I'm writing a book right now. 18:53:19 It's called the vaccine book. 18:53:23 And it's basically just goes through. 18:53:28 It goes through all the different vaccines schedules, like that are there it goes through all the different vaccines, and it basically tells you the ingredients of every single vaccine that you're going to be putting in your child so then you can make 18:53:42 the decision, right, because a lot of people don't know that you can also say no to like a lot of things in life, like just because a doctor tells you to do something like you can question it right yeah yeah I'm like going to this book dude, and understood 18:53:56 like. 18:54:10 So I'm looking through this and like, like 90% of them have high levels of mercury in them. 18:54:18 They have formaldehyde. 18:54:21 They have all these different things I can't even. 18:54:24 I can't say them. But I was like looking through them and I'm like dude What the hell like, I don't, I don't understand like there's like eggs in a lot of them too. 18:54:38 And so like if you are allergic to eggs which like I know a couple people like I'm like dude like I wonder if like if they have immune issues now like, do you know i mean like my brain just like there's just like, it's like how do I not know this how, 18:54:48 like, I just, I don't know, like, as a like. 18:54:50 I just think that people should know every single thing that's going into their body that there are injecting or kid that doesn't have a choice yet. 18:54:59 Like, you should know everything that's going into there. I don't know if you have an opinion on this. I was gonna say, obviously assume because it's so tricky like as informed as I am. 18:55:10 And as much as I trust my instincts in our guts, a part of me will still always sort of like be like oh you know this person in a quote, they've got a degree they clearly know is something. 18:55:22 So there is this sucks sort of dichotomy that happens between your own innate wisdom, and the the wisdom, the wisdom of, you know, some pharmaceutical industry because obviously without certain modern medications and stuff, a lot of babies would fucking 18:55:38 die, you know, that's just the fact but at the same time, if you healthy. 18:55:45 And you, you've had a good pregnancy. I don't see why you should have to take have to have your baby on any sort of vaccine, I don't how many from your standard company. 18:55:55 That sounds like they do have quite a few they gave you, I think it's about 40. So here's the thing. So this is what we can like look it up right now. 18:56:04 But so for this one. 18:56:07 There's about 1-234-567-8910 1112 1314 1516 1718 1920 2120 420-526-2720 820-930-3130 230-334-3536 30 730-839-4041. Okay. So between the ages of birth and 12 years old, you get about 41 different vaccines. 18:56:38 Sorry, and this is just vaccine shots. So like you might get like a, like you'll start a polio one at two months old. And no content, and you'll continue getting the polio polio one through been five years old. 18:56:53 So like you're getting injected with a lot of shit, and like I didn't realize this and I didn't know this, and then I like look at all this stuff that's in it. 18:57:01 And like do like there's like known carcinogens and like things that are really bad for humans and the so all I'm saying is that everyone can make their own decision right like all vaccines are not created equal. 18:57:13 I understand that, but if you spend time just like, just like look into the ingredients. 18:57:21 I know a few people in Cape Town, I know if you want kids on you who are born without any vaccines, and they are probably some of the healthier people I know they they parents were like, you know, Cape town's known to have like a few it's a bit of a concert 18:57:37 culture hippie type place, so I love it, is that they have the people, and they didn't have any vaccines, their parents said no, we're not giving our kids, anything. 18:57:50 And they completely fine and it's kind of what I love about South Africa as well is that although it's not in a great state economically us that she still have that contractors choice I'm just reading here about the Dutch you know the DI the way you do 18:58:02 have a choice. so a lot of people don't realize so like basically, when the baby's born, they give them a K to vitamin K two shot and they give. 18:58:13 I antibiotics, and then they give one more shot right like literally like the moment it's born, I was like, I was like that's really weird so I as I read into those two. 18:58:25 But I'm kind of like, why am I really like super hot like, I just want to know. Yeah, I mean, I do have something that's kind of weird that I did discover with my pregnancy. 18:58:38 And so in this kind of comes back but anyways. People look at what's in shots before you get them, because there's like a whole thing. And if you're vegan, I just want to let you know that. 18:58:51 If you've made it this far in the podcast. 18:58:57 There's, it goes over in this book specifically I think series, this guy this Dr. Robert W Sears, he's an MD but he hasn't updated book to that you should read this last one was like 2008. 18:59:09 But one of the controversial. 18:59:13 I'm sorry, some of the controversial I'm not trying to laugh. Okay. Some of the controversial ingredients not the carcinogens, but the things that people want to argue about our monkey kidney cells fetal Cal Poly sorbet at. 18:59:32 And then the use of live genetically altered organisms, is a word is some people even outside the food industry 18:59:42 doesn't sound very easy. No, yeah and then, like, yeah anyways. But I do want to say so, I might have to get a shot. And I'll tell you what it is. We went and got our physical and they're asking us about the flu shot. 18:59:57 The flu shot that I was just telling you about is one that has the formaldehyde and the levels of mercury in it, depending on which brand new get those levels vary, but like, I've never really gotten flu shots, like I, I just, I also the one time I think 19:00:11 I did get it ended up getting the flu, so I was like, okay, checks out not doing that again right. 19:00:17 But, and that's just for me, like my mom, she will get she's on like her fourth booster of the coronavirus or the coded vaccine sorry. 19:00:29 Yeah, I know what I'm saying anymore I haven't talked about it a while anyway okay so the thing that I found out about myself, which is so weird I did not know this is the thing at all and I'm still kind of like weird out. 19:00:38 Okay, so I had to get a blood test. 19:00:42 To find out which blood type I am right in case that I ever need a blood transfusion or, you know, I lose blood giving birth or whatever right they just do that. 19:00:51 I am o negative, or negative means that I am RH negative, right so I just have a negative blood type. 19:01:00 So, if you're RH negative. 19:01:03 and your baby comes out and your baby has positive blood. Right. It's a be positive, it's a positive be positive, positive. 19:01:14 What will happen is that when you give birth, if your blood comes into contact with that baby's blood, then what will happen is in the future pregnancies. 19:01:24 If you get pregnant again and your baby's blood with a negative and a positive came in contact with each other. 19:01:30 Your body in future pregnancies and different times in the pregnancy will attack the fetus. Because it sees it as a foreign like a foreign entity in your body, and it will attack it and it will be born with either really bad issues really bad jaundice 19:01:59 like the jaundice when you're born that's very minimal like jaundice to the point of like having really bad liver issues and stuff like that and sometimes it ends in miscarriage and loss or stillbirth. Okay, so I found this out and I'm like, What are 19:02:02 you talking about, they're like, oh yeah easy fix like this is like my last player like ob and he goes, oh yeah like you can get the shot called program. 19:02:10 And this program shot, basically injects me with positive vitamins, or sorry not positive positive blood, like, Rh positive blood. 19:02:22 And so it tricks my body to thinking that in future pregnancies, like that blood is okay to be mixed with my blood. 19:02:30 So I won't attack the feet interesting in future pregnancies because what was happening is, like I think they discovered this like 50 4050 years ago. 19:02:39 And what was happening is a lot of women were losing their second and third and fourth babies like after having a healthy, normal pregnancy. 19:02:47 And then they discovered that it was the issue with the negative blood, recognizing the positive blood and wanting to, you know, like fight it kind of as like being like, oh the foreign substance in your body Let's kill it. 19:03:00 So anyways, just wanted to put that out there. So, there was two options, and the first option was, if we test Taylor's blood which we did, I decided to test hitters but if he's negative as well, like if he has some type of negative, a negative, or negative, 19:03:18 negative, whatever, a negative blood type that our kid will have a negative blood type. So I don't have to ever worry about this. 19:03:27 However, if he has a positive blood type, then that means that the baby has a potential to have a positive blood type, and I need to get that shot of program at 30 Weeks Pregnant around 30 weeks, so I'm like trying to figure out what the hell is in it, 19:03:41 and I'm like asking my midwife, and like I'm asking the OB guy. 19:03:45 And they're like, oh I don't know and I'm like, All right, cool. Oh, hey, made it's made by a pharmaceutical company so I mean it should be, it should be good for you right. 19:03:59 If it's quite you don't understand like I haven't had something for it in my body. And so long like my purpose just because like I felt so good and I don't want that like Taylor got a tetanus shot. 19:04:12 I think four years ago and he full blown got tetanus, he got locked jaw. He couldn't like like his joints were just like so sore the point where like he could not move like he was like an old man in bed with like severe joint pain lock jaw, and like, 19:04:28 literally like it lasted for like a week or so. 19:04:37 So like that was like his first time anyway, so there's just like. 19:04:42 That's like my biggest worry right now is like having to get that shot and finding something that I don't like in the ingredients and being like, oh, there's like mercury in this. 19:04:54 Oh cool. I can't wait to like shoot myself up when I have like a baby inside me and mercury. 19:05:01 So, yeah so many, so many choices and things to think about. I can imagine, especially on on the level that you operate at now is that there's just so much that she just knows just not good for you and therefore not good for your baby so. 19:05:18 But yeah, I'm kind of on the spectrum that often laces best, you know, like when in darts, don't. 19:05:29 It's easy to. 19:05:32 I just, ma This is easy to be a bit of a, it's easy to just think, as an old person thing is like, oh it more is better but sometimes it's actually like Hang on. 19:05:42 If I don't feel comfortable about this rather just don't take it like it's probably something that you don't need you know what I'm saying, you can always, I don't know, I just I need a fear so here's the thing I think everyone can make their own decision 19:05:54 but like just looking it up just now like really quick, it's like, oh yeah there is a level of mercury in the program shot, and I'm just like, 19:06:05 I'm like trying so hard to free myself of all these toxins that we're constantly inundated with, and now they want me to like put all the toxins back in. 19:06:15 Yeah, I don't know like that show so that actually like gives me anxiety, like putting something in my body that my body doesn't need that, like those things like freaked me out, and it's like well now I need to know like I frickin hope to god Taylor's 19:06:29 negative, like I literally am like, please have a negative blood type because I don't know how to. Yeah, like, I don't. 19:06:37 Anyways, so that's like the weird thing that's like my Sophie's Choice right now. Yeah. 19:06:45 So we'll see what happens. I think the last resort is that you test the baby's blood. 19:06:51 Right when it's born, and you see if it's born negative, because if it's born negative, then I don't need the shot. Yeah and you can always get it off the woods rights, you can, it doesn't have to be like, while you are pregnant, I mean you can get it 19:07:05 off. So the protocol is one around 30 weeks. And then again, right after the baby's born within three days. 19:07:14 So like it doesn't, I don't know it doesn't really make sense. It's just one of the things, and then like it's like people if your blood does come in contact with a baby or if I have an emergency c section or something like that like the risk goes up 19:07:25 of like your blood mixing. Do you know what I mean, like a baby bleeding and like my blood. 19:07:30 It doesn't make any sense to me, to be honest, Josh like I've never heard about this so like when I found out I was like, Oh no, but I don't know. 19:07:40 I'll just have to like figure out what my option is if I don't want to get it. 19:07:45 Does this mean I only have one kid and like not risk doing it again, but I would if Taylor is the blood that's positive. Yeah, there's still a chance the baby's blood comes negative, and I think my next option would be testing the baby's blood to find 19:07:59 out if it is negative or positive because then I can determine at that point. 19:08:04 If I want the shot, I guess. 19:08:07 Well that sounds very interesting. 19:08:10 Yeah, he shall find off on the next episode we will if you if you dig, dig a bit deeper into that. That sounds very intriguing, because I've never heard of that sounds amazing. 19:08:21 Oh, me neither. Yeah. 19:08:23 We'll see you just a weird thing now, and I am doing a home birth, by the way, like 100%, okay, I broke up with my ob gyn. 19:08:33 I'm like I broke up with him and I was like I like I told you this might happen but 19:08:55 yeah so it'll be like a little kiddie pool, like in, in my living room and they just basically like I'm just going to try to sleep or distract myself as much as possible and that contraction start. 19:08:53 And then your midwife is confirmed and everything obviously and, yes, you can have a doula, who is kind of like my advocate, and then I have two midwives, who will be there and like my birth. 19:09:06 And then if anything, you know, crazy comes up. 19:09:12 Then I underscore the hospital, which is like 1015 minutes away. Simple as that. It is it's not. Yeah, I just don't want the option for the drugs, because if basically like they're telling me they're like, if you want to have a hospital birth like. 19:09:25 They told me it's some crazy number like right now it's like 90, even people that want natural birth, that give birth in a hospital. It's like 99% of the births are people use drugs like it's very rare that there's a natural birth, and how to people who 19:09:48 have a natural this choose to go and drugs once they start, but they can't, there's no option is so there's no option now there's there's zero up there is no pain. 19:09:58 So once you once you in that natural birth it's happening regardless of whether you like it or not, that things come. Correct, yeah like that's coming out but people to remember like it's kind of like a marathon, where like, you can be, you can start 19:10:07 contractions and some people like are fine they don't feel them as much some people really feel them and it's really uncomfortable and painful, but you have to remember like it's kind of like these 30 to 62nd, things of like pain. 19:10:23 Do you and I mean like so when you're actually like an active labor, and like, so basically, when you have your contractions. 19:10:31 Like when they start right, it can be a long time up until your water breaks, and then up until a long time until you actually have the baby, the baby's ready to come out. 19:10:39 Yeah, so that can be a long time. 19:10:42 But the thing is is that once it goes from contracting and getting your body ready to start going down. 19:10:49 There's this thing that happens called transition, where if you see in like movies or most people are like, I can't do it. You know what I mean, or like they have this like moment of like, it's too much or, you know what I mean like that's when you know 19:11:01 that like the babies now actually starting to go down, versus contracting and getting ready to come out, which is like so crazy but those when it actually is, when you're actually like pushing and stuff right when you actually start to push and all that. 19:11:15 It's like these 32nd sprints. 19:11:18 And maybe a minute, but there's like, it's like these Sprint's that you have, and I'm like okay like if I can mentally make it through like these 30 to 62nd Sprint's on and off of like pain and who knows my level of pain that will happen. 19:11:32 Like, but that sounds doable. Do you want I mean it's not like you're literally for 40 hours just having a contraction for 40 hours like that's not the case. 19:11:40 So I think there is a lot of, like, and everyone I tell us like, well, what happens if you have to, like, it's the baby's distress or you have a breech baby where its feet for, like, everyone wants to know what's going to happen if something bad happens 19:11:56 and I'm like, I go to the hospital like I don't know. 19:12:00 Call me crazy but like if you, if you envision a good birth, it's, it's going to more than likely tape is you've got to actually, you know I have some sort of vision of what you want to happen. 19:12:17 You know that's we we creative beings you know it's like that maybe that's just me you know I think you've got to see it going wild and you've got to see it going smoothly with the people you love and and that will make the process a lot easier but if 19:12:31 you are hypochondriacs and you are scared about it coming feed first one is something that you're something might happen because now you are putting it out there. 19:12:46 Yeah, yeah, that's I tell Taylor I'm like don't put that don't put like I always say, like don't put that out there. Yeah, like do and I mean, because I do envision envision like, well here's the one thing they said that people do to distract themselves, 19:12:55 is when their labor starts to their contractions like they say try to sleep, you know, try to rest as much as you can, if you can sleep through them. because some people. 19:13:05 If they've had really bad periods for like they've had really bad cramps. Yeah, and have slept through that like sometimes people have higher pain tolerances. 19:13:13 I noticed sleep through it, which I was like, I'm gonna try that. But the other one Josh you're gonna love this is they'll tell people to have ingredients to make a cake from scratch. 19:13:26 And they'll say, okay, like you know it's your baby's birthday. Let's make a cake from scratch. 19:13:31 And it's not more about like, it's just about distracting your mind, like, yeah, yeah. Anytime you've been in pain like even when you do like your ice bath or your cold showers or whatever right like you want to like distract your mind right like a little 19:13:45 bit and that helps, but I don't know I was just I was like, Oh, that's a cool idea, like so just make a cake for, you know, maybe I'll make it a steak cake or something, I don't know 19:13:58 whether those cute. 19:13:59 Yeah. That's very interesting. 19:14:02 Cool. Well, this has been a glorious episode, 30 enjoyed it. Yeah. 19:14:10 Don't forget to like, subscribe comments. If you enjoyed this episode. Sitting dead. 19:14:17 And, yeah, are compromises 2020 episodes. So now, so that's pretty cool. 19:14:22 And I just want to add one more thing to everyone like Josh and I, we believe that everyone has a choice, and what they want to do. So all I'm saying is that just read ingredients vaccines. 19:14:37 Be informed before making a decision because my mind right now is like, I can imagine. Oh boy.