Elevator Problems in Sea Point
The stuff you see on the surface — like minuscule problems — are often linked to something deep in your subconscious.
Two Types Of People
There are two types of people: those that view setbacks with the lens free of fear and laugh their way through challenges — or those that view the kinks in the path as happening to them, and therefore, become cynical and distasteful. to life.
What does it feel like to meditate?
It’s the question all non-meditators ask. And it can only be answered by giving the practice of mindfulness a shot. So, what does meditation feel like? I attempt to answer that perplexing question…
I'm A Bad Fan
In life, you have to root for yourself first. Even — no, especially — during the turbulent times. The shit times will come. That’s part of the ride. But, if you can’t support yourself during moments of despair and momentary defeat, you don’t have the right to enjoy the times when you’re at your best.
6 Books That Made 2019...better?
2019 was a shit show. At least, this was the case for myself. However, it was made bearable due to the relentless authors mentioned, which include: Ryan Holiday, Sam Harris, Viktor Frankl and more.
Remove the Root
Until you remove the root — that is: the big fucking mountain right in front of you, that you can’t see because often you’re so close to the base of it, it’s difficult to fathom, then all the “right” things will be bandages.
The Fear Of Death and FOMO
We’ve all fallen victim to FOMO (fear of missing out). The crippling uncertainty that illuminates every aspect of the unknown, knowing that you are being left in the dark, by your friends that are clearly having a great time without you. On the flip side, there is another form of FOMO that is not quite as obvious: death.
Fitness First (then the other stuff)
Before you worry about all the other stuff in your life…
Intermittent Social Media Fasting: How to Be More Productive, Less Anxious and 20% Happier
“I’m taking a break from social media. See you all in a month.” I have seen several variations of that line from friends and “influencers” I follow in recent months. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Social Media is scaring the shit out of me.