The Problem With intermittent Fasting ( or "What I Looked Like In 2016")

The Problem With intermittent Fasting ( or "What I Looked Like In 2016")

2016 was a weird year for me. I just got back from America (clearly). I was attempting to become the next Tiger Woods while attempting to get a degree — that didn’t quite work out. Regardless, I’m beyond grateful for my time in the small town of Oskaloosa, Iowa

Tara Brach on Rilke's Insight Into the Nature of Comparison and Acceptance

Tara Brach on Rilke's Insight Into the Nature of Comparison and Acceptance

Tara Brach is a master writer and proponent of Radical Acceptance. There is a quote in her book on how Rilke uses the metaphor of baking biscuits into an account into the nature of consciousness and how we tend to compare our lives to the perfectly curated packaged pieces of smiles on social media in the form of influencers (or even friends).

Ed Catmull on The Creative Process (and how it applies to life).

Ed Catmull on The Creative Process (and how it applies to life).

Ed Catmull, the co-founder of Pixar, describes the creative process in his book, Creativity Inc., as having two fundamental laws: story is king and trust the process.

How To Be Your Own Hero (Life advice from Steven Pressfield and Stephen King)

How To Be Your Own Hero (Life advice from Steven Pressfield and Stephen King)

The last three years of my life have felt like a movie containing a beginning (the lust), the middle (the suffering) and the end (the return). Stephen King and Steven Pressfield have, through their books, given me a framework to understand the importance of the three stages.

Discovery Health Are Getting It Wrong: Cholesterol and Beyond

Discovery Health Are Getting It Wrong: Cholesterol and Beyond

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society” — Jiddu Krishnamurti. Cholesterol is still being viewed as a major biomarker for the health status of people in South Africa. There are a few problems with this.

Carnivore Diet: A Stoic Approach to Eating

Carnivore Diet: A Stoic Approach to Eating

Is the carnivore diet the ultimate stoic approach to eating? Whether you’re a carnivore or not, having a Stoic mindset to a diet can help when making choices.