Mikhaila Peterson - A Woman Who Cured Her Depression, Arthritis and Chronic iIlness Through A Carnivorous Lifestyle
This is not your typical tropical smoothie instagramming white girl who misleads hundreds of woman — no, this is Mikhaila Peterson, the face of the carnivore diet.

Jordan Peterson & Joe Rogan | Podcast of the Week
This was too good not to share — Podcast of the Week featuring Jordan Peterson on The Joe Rogan Experience!

The Most Important (And Extremely Alarming) Podcast You Will Ever Listen To.
This Podcast will scare you. It will make you rethink the way we are heading as a world within the health care industry. I think everyone should listen to this — it could even save a life.
Dr. Shawn Baker on The Joe Rogan Experience | Podcast of the Week
Dr. Shawn Baker and Joe Rogan have a conversation about the Carnivore Diet...yes, you heard that correctly...a mutha-freaking CARNIVORE DIET!