
Animal-Based Ketovore Diet: How to Heal Your Gut, Lose Fat (sustainably), Increase Happiness and Thrive.

Animal-Based Ketovore Diet: How to Heal Your Gut, Lose Fat (sustainably), Increase Happiness and Thrive.

In 2014 I started my fat loss journey which lead me to Low Carb eating and then eventually transitioning to Animal-Based in 2018. It’s been a wild ride, but I would not have it any other way. This post explains in detail what I eat.

Heal the Body and the Mind Will Appear 🧠

Heal the Body and the Mind Will Appear 🧠

Personal development programs are popular in today's 'fix me because I'm broken' culture. The promise for 10x growth sells. However, all self-improvement programs, mindfulness strategies and retreats forget one key element to healing: the animal.

Camilla Wolfson on Poetry, Meat-Eating, Mindfulness, Intersectional Environmentalism and More.

Camilla Wolfson on Poetry, Meat-Eating, Mindfulness, Intersectional Environmentalism and More.

I had the privilege of interviewing Camilla Wolfson on my YouTube channel (which you should most definitely subscribe to if you haven’t). It exceeded my expectations.

How To Reset Your Metabolism, Kickstart Your Fat-adaption and Enhance Your Cognition (in 24 hours)

How To Reset Your Metabolism, Kickstart Your Fat-adaption and Enhance Your Cognition (in 24 hours)

We’ve all been there — had a period of time where giving up our diet due to one or two bad days is a real possibility. I’ve outlined a simple plan that I use to get me feeling great after an overindulgence.

GRASS-FED Steak - Ultimate keto SUPERFOOD (under 15min) | KETO TUESDAY

GRASS-FED Steak - Ultimate keto SUPERFOOD (under 15min) | KETO TUESDAY

KETO TUESDAY is a weekly episode in which I talk about or cook up something ketogenic. The ketogenic diet has been getting major press lately, and I believe that keto is where the future of nutrition is heading. Welcome to Ep. #1 -- enjoy!

How BLACK COFFEE increases KETONES | The Ultimate FAT LOSS Strategy

How BLACK COFFEE increases KETONES | The Ultimate FAT LOSS Strategy

Black Coffee is the ultimate Fat Loss tool that you can implement to your morning routine to yield great results. Find out how coffee can increase your blood ketones which will ensure your brain and body is firing on all cylinders throughout the day!

Fat-adapted Athlete: Is the ketogenic diet the future of Sports Nutrition?

Fat-adapted Athlete: Is the ketogenic diet the future of Sports Nutrition?

Mark Sisson outlines perfectly why he thinks that being fat-adapted may be the future of endurance and powerlifting athletes. Sami Inkinen, who is an ultra-marathon runner, also gives his perspective on keto-adaption.


I share my news about becoming a certified BULLETPROOF COACH (or Human Potential Coach) and show you how to make a meal that will make your mouth water like the Trevi Fountain...enjoy.

JURA, Fat Adaption and the Best Post-workout Paleo Ice Cream

JURA, Fat Adaption and the Best Post-workout Paleo Ice Cream

You've probably read the title and immediately had the classic WTF self-talk. In this post, I will decipher why being “fat adapted” can pose major advantages to your training, the Jozi Urban Adventure Race (JURA) and an embarrassing story which involved a homeless man, an old lady, Uber and needing the restroom half-way through my race.