
Calories in vs Calories Out on a Meat-Based Diet: Why the Logic of Calorie Counting Works but the Reality Doesn’t

Calories in vs Calories Out on a Meat-Based Diet: Why the Logic of Calorie Counting Works but the Reality Doesn’t

Don’t minimize your tab just yet. This is a post about nutrition. In his fantastic book, The Psychology of Money, Morgan Housel describes the ways in which human emotion inflicts a barrage of seemingly irrational decisions amongst even the most rational, logically-minded investors. He describes a situation where there are numerous investment strategies that look so good on paper — and yet, in the real world, when human emotion is factored in, fall down hard.

Mikhaila Peterson - A Woman Who Cured Her Depression, Arthritis and Chronic iIlness Through A Carnivorous Lifestyle

Mikhaila Peterson - A Woman Who Cured Her Depression, Arthritis and Chronic iIlness Through A Carnivorous Lifestyle

This is not your typical tropical smoothie instagramming white girl who misleads hundreds of woman — no, this is Mikhaila Peterson, the face of the carnivore diet.

How BLACK COFFEE increases KETONES | The Ultimate FAT LOSS Strategy

How BLACK COFFEE increases KETONES | The Ultimate FAT LOSS Strategy

Black Coffee is the ultimate Fat Loss tool that you can implement to your morning routine to yield great results. Find out how coffee can increase your blood ketones which will ensure your brain and body is firing on all cylinders throughout the day!