
How to Eat a Meat-Based Carnivore Diet in Europe for Less Than $10 A Day

How to Eat a Meat-Based Carnivore Diet in Europe for Less Than $10 A Day

I’ve been in Amsterdam for a few days now and have an understanding of how much I spend each day while maintaining my carnivorous diet.

How To Reset Your Metabolism, Kickstart Your Fat-adaption and Enhance Your Cognition (in 24 hours)

How To Reset Your Metabolism, Kickstart Your Fat-adaption and Enhance Your Cognition (in 24 hours)

We’ve all been there — had a period of time where giving up our diet due to one or two bad days is a real possibility. I’ve outlined a simple plan that I use to get me feeling great after an overindulgence.

Mikhaila Peterson - A Woman Who Cured Her Depression, Arthritis and Chronic iIlness Through A Carnivorous Lifestyle

Mikhaila Peterson - A Woman Who Cured Her Depression, Arthritis and Chronic iIlness Through A Carnivorous Lifestyle

This is not your typical tropical smoothie instagramming white girl who misleads hundreds of woman — no, this is Mikhaila Peterson, the face of the carnivore diet.

GRASS-FED Steak - Ultimate keto SUPERFOOD (under 15min) | KETO TUESDAY

GRASS-FED Steak - Ultimate keto SUPERFOOD (under 15min) | KETO TUESDAY

KETO TUESDAY is a weekly episode in which I talk about or cook up something ketogenic. The ketogenic diet has been getting major press lately, and I believe that keto is where the future of nutrition is heading. Welcome to Ep. #1 -- enjoy!

Surviving My First Vegan Attack on Instagram

Surviving My First Vegan Attack on Instagram

Recently, I was rather frivolously (dare I mention the word) "attacked" on one of my social media posts on Instagram. I decided to turn what I responded with to a blog post because at the end of the day, content is content.

Fat-adapted Athlete: Is the ketogenic diet the future of Sports Nutrition?

Fat-adapted Athlete: Is the ketogenic diet the future of Sports Nutrition?

Mark Sisson outlines perfectly why he thinks that being fat-adapted may be the future of endurance and powerlifting athletes. Sami Inkinen, who is an ultra-marathon runner, also gives his perspective on keto-adaption.


I share my news about becoming a certified BULLETPROOF COACH (or Human Potential Coach) and show you how to make a meal that will make your mouth water like the Trevi Fountain...enjoy.