Social Media

How to rent a cabin in the woods for free (or “5 Learnings from being off social media 2021”)

How to rent a cabin in the woods for free (or “5 Learnings from being off social media 2021”)

Each year I strive to spend time away from social media. My social drug is Instagram. This year was interesting to say the least: but it proved to be just what I needed to give my mind some slack.

Meat-Eating Materialism (Is it possible to be on a carnivore diet without Instagram?)

Meat-Eating Materialism (Is it possible to be on a carnivore diet without Instagram?)

I’m a fan of keto. It has helped thousands of people regain health when all seems lost in a world of over-the-counter medicine as the only cure for dis-ease. But, let us not become engulfed in our efforts to show the world who we are on social media that we forget the reason we’re improving: to heal.

Quitting Social Media (or "Why everyone should start a blog")

Quitting Social Media (or "Why everyone should start a blog")

“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” — Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. The times they are…weird? In this post, I dive into some things learned from going cold turkey on social media for the time being — or until COVID-19 takes me home.

Intermittent Social Media Fasting: How to Be More Productive, Less Anxious and 20% Happier

Intermittent Social Media Fasting: How to Be More Productive, Less Anxious and 20% Happier

I’m taking a break from social media. See you all in a month.” I have seen several variations of that line from friends and “influencers” I follow in recent months. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Social Media is scaring the shit out of me.